Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I Have Lost My Words

It has been a very long time since I have actually reviewed a book, and I am well aware of this. I seem to have really lost the words. However, I am currently reading a book that will definitely warrant a review and I cannot wait to finish it and tell you all about it. Until then, here are some of the books I have read and not reviewed. I will try to find a links to other reviews as well.
  1. I just had to read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. I am so glad I read it, but I can't recommend it to anyone I am associated with directly, so I decided not to review it. It is an awesome story, but not for my age students. Teensread.com Review
  2. Emma Jean Lazarus Fell Out of A Tree by Lauren Tarshis was a great first novel for the author, but it really left me wondering if it was right for any of my students? I guess I just wasn't IN LOVE with it. My Breakfast Platter Review
  3. When I read the book I, Jack by Patricia Finney I thought it was so cleaver and I feel in love with good ole' Jack. However, when I read the new book Jack and Police Dog Rebel I was more annoyed than impressed. I still really love Jack, but the dog talk sort of got on my nerves the second time around. I didn't really see any reviews out there, but there are two reviews on Amazon.

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