Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Poll is Complete

My poll is now complete... well at least I am not waiting any longer for responses. You can still vote, but it will just be for the fun of it.
Penny From Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm
I am glad this book won, but I really like all of the books. So I will just have to get reading, reading, reading.Y


AMY T said...

cool. that was my vote. i'm looking forward to your thoughts on it when you're done. i'm super curious, cuz I adore baby moue.

Jen Robinson said...

That was my vote, too. I hope you like it!

Megan Germano said...

I am so loving the book. My husband comes from an authentic Italian family just like the one in the book. Straight off the boat ;) And I used to call me grandma meme as well. I feel right at home reading it. Who knows why I haven't read it sooner?