Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street

It took me awhile to get to The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall, but I am glad I did. I kept seeing it but passing it up, I think because I was afraid it would not impress me as much as The Penderwicks.
I must say that it impressed me MORE! I really liked the flow of this book better than the first. Although it still had that feel like a book along the lines of Little Women or Laura Ingalls Wilder, but I felt like the characters were a little more modern. I like how there aren't many references to the time period in which the story takes place. It makes me feel like the book can withstand the test of time.
In this second book, Mr. Penderwick is urged to look for a date. The whole story does not however, hinge on Mr. Penderwicks dating life. Each daughter kind of has her own story going on this time. I like to see how each daughter is growing. The book doesn't assume nothing has changed since last we read. New characters are brought into the mix and old characters are revisited. I am very anxious to see how these new characters and old characters may or may not come together in following books.
One piece I was a little disappointed with was the ending. It left nothing to my imagination. I felt as though, although I would never want this to happen, the series could have ended right with this book.
This book again satisfied my need to read a good book that takes me back to listening to my grandma read Little Women to us. I think I would be taking a risk assuming EVERYONE in my class would enjoy this book as a read aloud, but I know I could recommend it without worrying one bit that they wouldn't enjoy the story.
Other Reviews:
Jen Robinson's Book Page
Bookshelves of Doom
Miss Erin
Link to Jeanne Birdsall's Website:
Jeanne Birdsall Website

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