Saturday, May 31, 2008

May Carnival of Children's Literature

I am disappointed in myself that I missed the May Carnival of Children's Literature at The Bonny Glen, but I must say it came together pretty well for last minute notice. Check it out if you have the time.
On a more personal note...
School's Out, School's Out! Teacher Let the Monkey Out!! Or should I say The monkey let the teacher out!
So needless to say, I will have plenty of time to blog and read!
For those of you following my saga, my husband is now home and resting comfortably. By no means "well" but doing the best we can. I appreciate everyone's encouragement and support!


Mary Lee said...

I'm jealous. Our monkeys still have three more days.

Good (enough) news about your husband. Take good care of him (and yourself).

Jen Robinson said...

Congratulations on school being out, and on your husband being home. I look forward to hearing a lot from you on your blog in the coming weeks!

Katie Dicesare said...

Ditto on school and your husband!! CAn't wait to check in more this summer!