Did you know a brand new Madeline book came out this past week?
Madeline and the Cats of Rome by JOHN BEMELMANS MARCIANO. I put this in caps because it IS NOT the orignal Madeline series author, which was Ludwig Belemans, who of course is no longer with us.
John Belemans Marciano is the grandson of Ludwig Belemans and
Madeline and the Cats of Rome is the first all new Madeline book in close to 5o YEARS!
There is so much history behind the original author and the legacy he left with his Madeline stories. John Belemans Marciano does a wonderful job of helping his grandfather's legacy live on. Marciano is a self-taught artist (as was his grandfather) who uses his grandfather's original art as a springboard for his own.
The new book
Madeline and the Cats of Rome is such a reminder of everything I loved about being a little girl. I love that Madeline is still up to some antics, which always made me laugh as a little girl. And the flowing verse makes the story one that kids can remember each and every time the book comes out. (And you know it won't be just once.) The artwork was so close, you could be confused that it really was by Ludwig, but enough different that it becomes Marciano's own.
For all ye who heard Madeline read over and over as a child and for all ye who have read Madeline over and over to a child, here is a new book for your shelves and the shelves of your children to come.
**** Watch out!!! Shameless plug of my nieces coming... right... now....!!!**********
I will be waiting patiently to overread
Madeline and the Cats of Rome to my favorite little monkeys!
Other reviews:
Charlotte's LibraryBooklustThe Children's Book ReviewKiddos and Books