Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Slightly True Story Of Cedar B. Hartley by Martine Murray

I read The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley by Martine Murray at the beginning of the summer. I remember thinking that I really enjoyed the book when I read it, but now that it comes time to write about it, I can't think of anything particularly special about the book. (Maybe a bad sign)
Cedar B. Hartley is a 12 year-old daughter of a hippy-ish widow. She has an older brother who has run away. Her father passed away when she was very young. (The "how" of this comes out later in the story) Cedar enjoys making interesting observations of the world around her, and believes she will "live and unusual life."
She meets a boy with an unusual talent and he helps her towards her goal of being "infamous."
One thing that I like about this book was the different characters. They are all very unique including, her vagabond brother, "the boys" who live next door and have adopted a baby, and Kite, the acrobatic boy who has been in a circus. Another thing that was helpful about the book was the glossary for the Australian slang Cedar uses throughout the book.

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